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Eternally Naïve: A reluctant autobiography by TR Robinson

May 16, 2024

I received a review copy of this remarkable book from the author’s son. Sadly, the author herself has passed away, but Peter Robinson is continuing to manage his mother’s work and has published Eternally Naïve posthumously.

As an autobiography of her life, it includes everything from her earliest memories to her final days in amazing detail. But sadly, hers was not a charmed existence. T R Robinson was thrown from the warm embrace of a loving family into the cruel harshness of German occupation. What she suffered doesn’t bear contemplation and how she survived the abuse is astonishing.

The title of the book is an accurate description of this kind, generous woman who continued to get literally buffeted through life. It is a sad story, but also an uplifting one when we realise how resilient the human spirit is, particularly one with strong faith, culture and principles.

The author’s style is conversational and personal, often reminding the reader of pertinent facts and influences to explain her reaction to different situations, but she herself frequently seems bemused by her continued naïvety and belief in others. I finished the book thinking she must have been a lovely soul, perhaps too good for this world. Whether she ever overcame all the adversity she and her son endured is something for the reader to discover, but I can recommend this very well written book to all who enjoy learning about such life challenges and how people withstand them.

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  1. Thank you Valerie for you insightful review. (Peter Robinson – son of TR).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Peter. I’m very pleased you liked the review and I hope you’re finding a wider audience for your mother’s memoir. I shared it on We Love Memoirs, but I’m afraid it won’t generate as much interest as it deserves until it’s available as an ebook.


  2. Val, I too received a copy of Tanya’s book and have just finished reading it. It is so well titled, and the content simply takes yuor breath away. I shall be featuring it in my next newsletter and hope between us we can spread the word. It deserves a huge readship.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lucinda, I thought you might have read it too. Yes, it’s a remarkable story of a remarkable woman and, as you say, the title is apt. I hope it is released as an ebook so we can share it further.


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